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Cash Management
The LS One system has some operations and functions to support cash management.
How cash management is handled and configured is different between installations.
The most basic thing for cash management is the creation and configuration of payment types.
- Payment types are created for the company in General setup > Payments > Payment types.
- Payment types need to be configured for each store by putting them into Allowed payment types for the store. This is done in Store setup > Stores > Stores, Open the store tab Allowed payment types.
- Each store payment type has many fields that configure how they work, among these are fields which relate directly to cash management.
It is different between companies how cash management is controlled and worked with. The operations LS POS has are there to assist the management in keeping control of the payment types.
Remember that cash management operations are optional to use and depend on how they are configured and used.
Example: Cash Management in a Store
- The store has cash as one of the allowed payment types. Configure it with counting required.
- At the beginning of the day use operation Declare Start Amount to register the start amount into the system.
- For each POS in the store use operation Float Entry each time cash is entered into the drawer. With Float Entry operation the amount that is put into the drawer is registered into the system.
- When cash is removed from the drawer over the day use operation Tender Removal to register the removed amount.
- When the day ends or when a staff member brings in a new drawer:
- Print Z report for the sales totals;
- Perform a Tender Declaration for the POS;
- These procedures have to be done for all terminals in the store;
- In the Site Manager, create and post a statement for the store, the difference between what is counted and what is in the statement should be zero, under normal circumstances.